Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lienz & Ostirrol, Austria

On Friday, we arrived into Lienz, Austria and Tamara's friends Anja and Eva picked us up thankfully. Didn't have internet so wasn't quite sure how we were going to get to Tamara's. We went to a few cafe's and bars and waited until Tamara arrived home from her school. We headed off for a home cooked Austrian meal in Tamara's town, Osttirol; it was deliciousss! A lot of friends and family came over and we hung out and drank Austrian beer and schnapps! Saturday we explored the town of Lienz for a little bit and then went to Tamara's grandparents 50th anniversary. A great family party! Had dinner and then went out with Tamara's sister and friends in the town. Had a great time learning some new Lienz drink orders! Sunday we hung around and took a walk along the mountains (where Tamara's house is). It's gorgeous, wait for the pictures! Then we headed off to Munich to meet up with Martin.

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