Thursday, January 13, 2011

Differences from the states

Figured I'd tell you guys of some of the differences from Ireland to the States:
1) Driving on the Left side of the road/Drivers are on the right side of the car
2) Metric system meaning Kilograms, Kilometers,
3) The Euro vs. the Dollar (Also no single Euro bills, only single Euro coins as well as 2 Euro coins)
4) No Tylenol, but Panadol
5) Drinking age is 18, so some places look like High School hang out spots
6) Hygiene is less conscious here (Europe in general though)
7) The men wear sporting sweat jump suits, ex: Munster Rugby
8) Lots of make-up is seen as super stylish as well
9) Never hear the word "line" being used here, it's always called the "queue"
10) Ketchup is called "red sauce"
11) French fries are called "chips"

I'll keep thinking before I get use to these differences!

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